Category: Commissioner’s Corner

BSA National Memorial

During my recent trip to the United States, I visited our nation’s capital. While walking back to the National Mall from the White House, I happened to stumble upon the National BSA Memorial. I didn’t know this was here. Dedicated on November 7, 1964, the sculpture sits on “The Ellipse” in Washington D.C., location of […]

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3 R’s – Recruiting, Registration, Recharter

Recruiting and Registration A new School year means new families moving into areas covered by TAC units. This results in many TAC Scouting communities have an influx of potentially new Scouts and Scouters as well as transferring families. We need to keep pushing for new recruitments and new units in September and October so that […]

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Why do Scouts go camping?

Three fourths of the word Scouting is outing. That definition is a good tie in, but it is not the underlying reason. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices in their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and […]

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TAC Outdoors

It’s been a little over two years since TAC suspended face-to-face Scouting. In my previous capacity as a District Commissioner and now as the Council Commissioner, I was overwhelmed in that time by the positivity and resourcefulness of leaders who have found ways to keep our youth engaged with Scouting and the way that ideas, […]

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2022 Recharter Actions

Most, if not all, of our TAC units, have submitted their 2022 unit recharters. While we have a few that are waiting to be posted, many others are on hold pending review or correction of defectives. As in previous years, defectives such as adult leaders needing Youth Protection Training or are missing the all-important, Additional […]

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Welcome to TAC 2022

A New Year in Scouting. Throughout TAC in 2021, many events were canceled or held virtually due to Covid 19. This did not deter you from your Scouting adventure. Facing these challenges head-on gave rise to unique solutions to overcome these challenges. Many units thought of creative ways to deliver unparalleled Scouting. Where allowed, units […]

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Commissioner Service

Hello, The youth in TAC experience Scouting adventure in packs, troops, crews, teams, and ships. The healthier the unit, the more wonderful will be their experience. To help make this happen, the BSA provides a program of unit service through adult Scouters who are specifically commissioned to help chartered organizations and unit leaders to achieve […]

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Coming Soon!

Our new Council Commissioner will host a Commissioner’s Corner on this page. Check back regularly for new posts of exciting content provided by Jeff Arter.

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