Commissioner Service


The youth in TAC experience Scouting adventure in packs, troops, crews, teams, and ships. The healthier the unit, the more wonderful will be their experience. To help make this happen, the BSA provides a program of unit service through adult Scouters who are specifically commissioned to help chartered organizations and unit leaders to achieve the aims of Scouting by using the methods of Scouting and providing the resources to that end.

This Commissioner service is a vital and important concept in Scouting.  Members of your TAC volunteer Commissioner Corps embrace the responsibility of impacting the lives of young people and communities through strengthening our units wherever they are located throughout Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

The first commissioners grew out of a need to serve many units when the capacity of professional Scouters could not match the demand for unit service.  The opportunities that Scouting faces in today’s world have increased the need for more strong Commissioners.  Your TAC Commissioner team is eager and equipped to partner with you and your unit as you enjoy the Scouting program. 

The most critical element of this partnership is a strong and positive relationship with your Unit Commissioner.  Ask yourself this question, “who is our Unit Commissioner?” Do you know him or her? This Scouter is your first choice to go to as a resource when you need guidance in program planning, policy interpretation, or encouragement.  The Unit Commissioners are tasked with providing timely information to help units like yours grow, thrive and provide the best program possible to the youth in your unit.

Unit Commissioners receive team support from other Commissioners that serve in specific functions.  These positions include District Roundtable Commissioners, Assistant District Commissioners, and one District Commissioner for each TAC District.  I, as your Council Commissioner, lead and support these District Commissioners. Soon, I will have a team of Assistant Council Commissioners that will help me serve. We each take an oath every year to provide the best service we can for unit health and prosperity in the Transatlantic Council.

We would love to help you connect with your Unit Commissioner.  First, please ask other adult volunteers that you see at Scout meetings if they can introduce you.  If that does not work, your District Commissioner or I will be more than happy to help and foster the introduction.  I am humbled to serve you as your Council Commissioner.  Together we will ensure that Scouting is the absolute best program for each and every young person in our program now, and those that we will recruit into this life-changing adventure in the future!

Yours in Scouting,

Jeff Arter

Council Commissioner