Scouters Virtual Conference
March 12, 2022
Scouters Virtual Conference. Time for Scouting!
There will be no Scouters Virtual Conference in 2025
Every Scout deserves well trained leaders! Transatlantic Council will host its annual Scouters Virtual Conference via Zoom on Saturday, March 9th. There will be sessions for Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, STEM/NOVA, Religious programs, Scoutbook, Camping, Life to Eagle, Sustainability, and other topics to help benefit you and your Scouting program. Attend as many sessions as you would like! Please read the course descriptions in the SVC- Course Offerings PDF found on this page. Participants can select one or more classes throughout the day.
Schedule (all times listed are UTC). Adjust the times for your particular time zone:
7:30 AM- Gathering
8:00 AM- Opening
8:30 AM to 3:30 PM- Class Tracks
3:30 PM- Keynote Speaker
4:00 PM- Closing Remarks
The registration cost is $10 which includes the mailing of an event patch to you after the event.
Interested in helping or lead a session? Contact Event co-chairs Heather Lewis or JD Lewis.