Recruitment Flyers

We have updated our Google Docs featuring a wide variety of TAC flyers you may use to promote Scouting in their community. These flyers are available in PDF and/or JPG format. 

There are generic flyers and there are program-specific flyers for our Cubs, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturing units. There are flyers for our military-connected units.  You will find instructions on how to download them in a brief video here.

Units can customize the flyers with text, QR codes, phone numbers, etc. Bring them to newcomer recruitment events, place in schools, or just have some in your backpocket when someone says “I’m new here. Where is a Pack/Troop/Crew locally?”

Newcomer Flyer

Letter-sized PDF file inviting youth to join Scouting. Ideal for any bulletin boards, school newsletters, etc.

  • Generic Welcome Flyer [PDF] [JPG]

You may print it and add your own info in the white space on the bottom of the flyer.

  • Generic – Four Fillable Text Fields:
    This PDF file features four fillable text fields on the bottom. Add your unit(s) info, contact information, and a call for action.
  • Generic – Fillable and add your own QR Code:  
    This PDF file allows you to add your own text in the blue bar. Select the existing text and type your own text. You may also upload your own QR code or any square graphic. Add more information utilizing the four text fields in the white space on the botto

Volunteer Recruitment Flyer

Letter-sized flyer inviting adults to become volunteers. Ideal for any bulletin boards, school newsletters, etc. Add contact information and more in the white space.

  • Volunteer Flyer [PDF with two fillable lines] [JPG]


Program Specific Flyers

Military Flyers

What other resources would you like to receive?
Email Communication Committee member Katrin Galeano.