UPDATE – The BSA has announced that these fee changes are being delayed until May 1st
BSA Announces New Annual Membership Fees for Scouts and Scouters beginning April 1, 2024.*
The Boy Scouts of America has announced a change in its national membership fees. Starting on May 1, 2024, the BSA will be implementing a new national membership fee structure:
- The $25 new youth fee has been eliminated as of April 1st.
- $85 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting participants ($5 increase) + the $48 TAC Overseas Council Fee for a total of $133 for a 12-month registration.
- $15 for Scout Life magazine (optional)
- $65 for all adult volunteers ($5 increase) + the $48 TAC Overseas Council Fee for a total of $113 for a 12-month registration.
- $25 for Merit Badge Counselors (this fee applies only to those individuals who are not already registered as adult leaders in the Council).
- $100 Unit Charter fee at recharter time.
Membership Fees and Rechartering
Key Updates for Charter Renewals:
- To simplify the unit charter process, membership renewals will no longer be tied to the unit charter process; beginning for units expiring in March 2024; units will still renew their charters separate from their membership. The process will be much simpler as the system will validate the unit leadership and verify the unit has the minimum required youth and adults. The COR and council will approve the leadership, the unit will approve the charter, and the unit will submit the annual unit charter renewal fee of $100.
- Units with 2023 expiration dates- No changes, you will renew charter and membership as always.
- Units with February 29, 2024, expiration- Unit will automatically lapse after 1 month. Renew your charter by the end of March. Your unit and members will still have a February 2024 expiration date.
- Units with March-December 2024 expiration dates- You will renew your charter and membership under the new system.
Membership Renewal Process:
- All membership in the BSA will be renewed on a 12-month membership cycle.
- Each member, youth, or adult will renew their membership on their anniversary month. Many will have an anniversary that is the month their unit renewed last, and any new members will renew 12 months after they joined.
- Membership renewals will be completed either by credit card with a 12-month renewal payment from the individual, by a scout unit that has elected “Unit will pay all our members renewals” option, or by a manual payment at the Council Office.
- By eliminating proration, it will streamline the rechartering and membership renewal process for units and councils.
New Members:
- Beginning August 1, 2023, all new youth and adult members will join for a 12-month membership cycle. Both youth and adults will pay the full annual membership fee to join Scouting and will renew their membership on the anniversary month of joining.
- New members joining after July 31, 2023, will begin their annual membership renewal in July 2024. This will be tied to the anniversary month of joining.
- Each member of the BSA will receive an email notice with a registration renewal link beginning 60 days before the anniversary month of joining.
Existing Members:
- Beginning August 1, 2023, all youth and adult membership renewals will be for a 12-month membership cycle.
- Charter Renewal will remain unchanged for units due to charter through February 2024. March 2024 units will be the first to renew in the new process.
- Charter Renewal change will take effect for units starting March 1, 2024, to allow all units renewing in 2023 a complete renewal cycle.
- Renewing members will renew their membership on their anniversary month.
- Each member will receive an email renewal notice reminder beginning 60 days before the anniversary month.
Merit Badge Counselors:
- Beginning in August 2023, merit badge counselors who are not registered as an adult leader in a unit will pay an annual $25 fee.
- Merit badge counselors are not registered in a unit position and therefore are not allowed to attend overnight Scouting activities/events.
Why is proration being eliminated?
- BSA is an annual program and has incredible value for youth and families. By eliminating proration this allows the BSA to keep the annual membership fee low for all families. The annual youth membership fee went from $80 to the new fee of $85 starting April 1, 2024.
We prorate many of our youth in the Fall every year, will that still be a possibility?
- No, proration of fees has been eliminated. All new members and all renewals will be on a 12-month membership renewal.
When will the new annual membership fee be implemented?
- Starting August 1, 2023, any new member or renewing member will pay the new non-prorated registration fee.
Can units recharter in whatever month they choose?
- Units will still renew at their annual charter time. In most cases in TAC, our units have a December recharter expiration date and most registrants will recharter at that time. The only change is that in the future, members who joined Scouting at a different time of the year will renew their registation at their 12-month anniversary mark. New units can be started anytime of the year. Contact your District Executive for more assistance.
Can a unit choose to renew all members in the same month each year?
- For members already registered in TAC, the renewal timeframe will remain the same. For new members who join throughout the year, their membership renewal will be a year later in the month that they first joined Scouting. In the first few years of this new process, most of the renewals will be in the month you historically rechartered your units in, but over time we expect that will shift to the August – October period as these are the month’s most new members join.
How will the charter renewal change in 2023?
- All scout units will still charter annually; they will need to meet the leadership and members standards of the BSA. Payment of the unit charter fee and COR approval will still be required. All adult leaders must be approved by the COR and the council. Membership renewal is a separate process and done annually by the individual/unit.
How will adding new members to a unit work?
All youth pay online to register for the first time. All adults pay online to register, as well as provide proof of having a current Youth Protection Certification. If the adult does not have a US Social Security Number (SSN), or they prefer not to provide their SSN due to identify theft concerns; then they have to pay through a separate registration link, and submit a PDF application, and the TAC staff have to file a membership SSN exemption. Forms will not be processed until payments are recorded in TAC’s system.
How will membership renewal work?
- All members will be sent an email 60 days out from their anniversary month. Upon joining, the person will be asked to enter their Credit Card information and then in future years the renewal will be an “opt-out” process similar as a subscription or recurring gift. You will be reminded of your membership expiring and you can opt-out, renew your membership or the unit will have the ability to pay for their members. Additional information about renewal will be provided this fall.
How will the unit leadership know who is due to renew and who has renewed in their unit?
- Both youth and adult leaders will be included in email notifications to the unit Key-3 monthly as to who is due to renew and who has renewed. In addition, the roster in Scoutbook and My.Scouting will indicate the registration status of the member.
What happens if someone’s email bounces and is undeliverable?
- Email notifications are sent to the individual, COR, Committee Chair, and the Key Leader (Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/Advisor/Skipper); the unit should be able to identify that an individual is due to renew and can work with the individual to complete their renewal. Units are encouraged to update email contact information in Scoutbook. Should someone miss this process the council can pull a Non-Renewed Membership Report in My.Scouting.
How will the “Unit Pays” option work and not double collect fees?
- The unit will have the option to change the setting in My.Scouting which will tell the system that member renewals are due, and the unit will pay for it, like many units do today with recharter. The unit would have a Credit Card or ACH pre-set and each month membership fees are due; they would automatically be paid. The unit will have an “opt-out” option to not renew a member too.
If after the two months of email notifications, a Scout/Adult does not have their registration paid for by the individual or the unit, will the unit leader and individual get contacted stating that they can no longer participate?
- There will be a one-month lapse period and then the Scout/Adults will be dropped. A notification will go to the individual/parent and the unit indicating that the person is dropped.
Will a Scout be covered by insurance if they still show up to meetings after their registration period expired for lack of payment?
- It is important that all youth be registered in a timely manner. This ensures coverage for both general liability insurance and secondary accident and sickness insurance. All youth participating in BSA programs are covered by insurance. A Scout must register to continue participation in the program.
Will TAC Overseas Council Fees still be collected through online registration and rechartering?
- Yes, Overseas Council Fees will be collected online for new members and renewals, but these will also be a 12-month fee only, there will not be any proration for council program fees.
If someone needs financial assistance and the Council can help, is there a mechanism for the Council to help pay a portion or all the registration?
- TAC does have limited financial assistance available for families, in the form of a campership endowment designed to send Scouts to council camps. However, TAC will not deny anyone membership in the BSA because they cannot afford it. Please speak with your District Executive if you need assistance.
A member is a month late with their annual membership renewal...will they need to complete another application to “rejoin”?
- There is a one-month lapse period. Those who fail to register will need to complete a new application for membership.
Does a Merit Badge Counselor qualify as a unit position?
- No, the Merit Badge Counselor is not a unit position. If a merit badge counselor wants to participate in unit activities and camp overnight activities, they must be registered in a qualified unit position.
Can someone register as a Merit Badge Counselor for $25, and then multiple as an Assistant Scoutmaster for free instead of paying the $113?
- No, an adult must register in a qualified unit position and then they can multiple register as a Merit Badge Counselor, the Merit Badge Counselor position is not a unit position and therefore are not allowed to attend overnight Scouting activities/events.