1950 Society

The 1950 Society connects interested donors who wish to ensure the future of TAC Scouting—now and FOREVER.

Named for the year when Transatlantic Council (TAC) was founded, the 1950 Society is a group of interested TAC donors who contribute $19.50 or more each month, over the course of a year or more, to the TAC endowment fund. Please join the 1950 Society and be recognized with a unique vintage patch. There are three levels of giving that are recognized by the following three colors around the border of the patch.

  • Gold

    Donors who give $58.50/month over one year ($19.50 x 3)

  • Silver

    Donors who give $39.00/month over one year ($19.50 x 2)

  • Bronze

    Donors who give $19.50/month over one year ($19.50 x 1)

1950 Society members ensure the future of TAC Scouting. The gifts are held in TAC’s endowment fund and invested, not spent. The earnings from the investments provide vital support for the programs and services delivered by TAC. 1950 Society members make certain that youth of great promise in the council will be influenced by adults of great character via unparalleled Scouting, forever.