Religious Relationships
Adult Religious Awards are normally not earned by the Scouter themselves, but are granted by nomination as a recognition of distinguished service to Scouts and youth generally within their religious community.
An outside party must nominate an adult to receive an award by submitting the required applications, letter of recommendation, and resume of activities. Self and spouse nominations will not be accepted. Nominations cannot be made posthumously.
These awards are generally processed at the Council level and approved at the National level by the appropriate religious network. They are regarded as equal to the Silver Beaver in terms of the level of service.
The Baha’i Committee on Scouting offers the Service to Humanity award for adult Scouters who provide distinguished service.
The Boddhi Award is offered by the National Buddhist Committee on Scouting to recognize an adult who has demonstrated the highest level of dedication and commitment to the youth members of the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the United States of America and the Camp Fire, Inc. to further their understanding of the Buddhist Teachings. This award is not intended to honor individuals for their personal accomplishments or achievements, but rather their self-sacrifice to promote Buddhism.
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting offers the Saint George Award to members of the laity and clergy, Scouters and non-Scouters alike, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youth through Scouting. Nominations are submitted to the Transatlantic Committee on Catholic Scouting, who will review and forward to the National Committee the appropriate number of nominations each year.
The Transatlantic Council Committee on Catholic Scouting may also offer the Bronze Pelican Award, though this award is not represented by a square knot. It may be presented to any adult working in or supporting Scouting programs under Catholic auspices or in units not partnered by the Church, and to those who have made a significant contribution to Scouting in the field of Catholic relationships. The purpose of this emblem is to recognize an outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in Scouting programs.
The National Committee also offers several other awards for Catholic – chartered units, or for specific contributions and accomplishments. Only the St. George Award earns the right to the silver/purple square knot insignia.
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting offers the Prophet Elias Award to recognize outstanding service by adults in the promotion and use of these programs for our Eastern Orthodox young people, particularly in the three national youth agencies (Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and Camp Fire USA). The recognition is for both Orthodox lay leaders in Scouting, and non-Orthodox Scouters who provide exceptional service to Orthodox youth.
Scouters must be members of jurisdictions recognized by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.
Most Protestant denominations* – as well as congregations that identify as ‘non-denominational’ or ‘independent’ – offer the God and Service Award through P.R.A.Y. to acknowledge distinguished volunteer service by adults in ministry to young people through service to the Church and one or more of the national youth agencies (Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Camp Fire USA, American Heritage Girls). Self and spouse nominations will not be accepted.
Additionally, P.R.A.Y. offers the Building Faith in Youth Award for Protestant congregations to recognize individuals who have contributed significantly to the children’s and youth ministries of their church through the P.R.A.Y. religious emblems programs (i.e. God and Me, God and Family, God and Church, and God and Life).
*Participating denominations include African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Christian Methodist Episcopal, Christian Scientist, Church of God, Church of the Nazarene, Cumberland Presbyterian, Mennonite, Pentecostal, Reformed Church in America, Seventh Day Adventist, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, and Wesleyan churches.
Anglican Church of North America
The Anglican Church of North America (distinct from the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion) offers the St. George Cross Award to acknowledge distinguished volunteer service by adults in ministry to young people through service to the Church and one or more of the national youth agencies.
The Association of Baptists in Scouting offers the Good Shepherd Award, as a national recognition for adults who have rendered outstanding service to Baptist youth through their church and one of the national youth-serving agencies.
Churches of Christ
The Churches of Christ offer the Faithful Servant Award to recognize adult leaders who have at least ten years as registered leaders of one or more of these youth groups and are servants in their churches and communities. Recipients are nominated by a fellow scouter, unit committee, a church leader or member, or the recipient’s scout council
Community of Christ
The Community of Christ offers the International Youth Service Award. The recognition occurs at the level of the recipient’s service: congregation, mission center, apostolic field, or World Church. Jurisdictional officers or group/unit leaders may recommend adults for this recognition. Order the adult awards through P.R.A.Y.
The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church offers the St. George Award as a national recognition to acknowledge distinguished service by adults in the spiritual, physical, mental, and moral development of youth through service to the Church and through national youth agency programs. The award may be presented to any adult (including laypersons, ordained persons, professional church workers, men and women) who are active in their church and one or more of the national youth agencies.
The National Lutheran Association on Scouting (formed jointly by ELCA and LCMS) offers The Servant of Youth Adult Recognition to acknowledge distinguished volunteer service by adults in ministry to young people through one or more civic youth agency programs. 5 years tenure minimum.
The Lamb Award is a national recognition bestowed on Lutheran adults (including laypersons, pastors, professional church workers, men and women) to: 1) to acknowledge the distinguished service of Lutheran adults in fostering the spiritual growth of youth through church and civic youth serving agency programs, and; 2) to increase the use and quality of the civic agency programs in Lutheran congregations as a part of their ministries. 10 year tenure minimum.
Moravian Church
The Moravian Church provides the Order of David Zeisberger for distinguished service to youth.
Polish National Catholic Church
The National Commission on Scouting of the Polish National Catholic Church offers the Bishop Thaddeus F. Zielinski Award for distinguished service to youth.
The National Association of Presbyterian Scouters offers the God and Service Award through P.R.A.Y. like most Protestant denominations, and also offers the Celtic Cross Award to those who have served God, Church and Scouting with distinction. Leaders of children in Christian Education programs have given countless hours to prepare and teach values. Therefore it is appropriate to recognize their service to God and the Church and to affirm how much they mean to us and to our children.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
The Friends Committee on Scouting offers The Friends Emblem which may be presented to any adult Friend registered with Scouts/Guides and is a recorded member of the Religious Society of Friends. While this recognition was originally developed for adults working with Scouts in the United States, it is now available for presentation to adults working with Scouts/Guides worldwide. Individuals and local Monthly Meetings/Churches, Yearly Meetings as well as Scouting/Guiding Units/Districts/Areas/Councils are encouraged to nominate worthy Friends for this recognition.
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army offers the Scouter’s Award for distinguished service to youth.
Latter-day Saints
The Vanguard International Scout Association offers the Vanguard Duty to God Award for Scouters (age 18+) who earn this emblem on their own initiative. In this case it is more similar to a Scouter training award than distinguished service recognition.
The Dharma Saathi and Dharma Bhakta Awards are offered by the North American Hindu Association for distinguished service to youth promoting Sanatana Dharma.
The Jain religious awards are offered by the Federation of Jain Associations in North America. At this time no adult religious award is available.
The National Jewish Committee on Scouting, offers the Shofar Award to recognize outstanding service
by adults in the promotion of Scouting among Jewish youth. Just as the Shofar (Ram’s Horn) calls people to
the service of God, so the Shofar Award is a recognition of the individual who has answered the call to
serve Jewish youth in Scouting. Self and spouse nominations will not be accepted.
The National Committee also offers recognitions for Jewish – chartered units, and local Council Jewish Committees on Scouting. The International Forum of Jewish Scouts also offers the Shalom Award for distinguished service over a sustained time, and the Naschon Fellowship for distinguished service at the national or international level. Only the Shofar Award qualifies for the silver/purple square knot.
The National Islamic Committee on Scouting offers the Allahu Akbar Award to recognize outstanding service by adults in the promotion of Scouting among Muslim youth. Recommendations for the award may be made by Imams of the Mosques, directors of Muslim centers, presidents of Muslim organizations, or Boy Scout councils to the national Islamic committee on Scouting. If approved, the name of the nominee should be submitted for ratification to the Islamic Council on Scouting of North America. In case there is no local Islamic Committee on scouting, an ad hoc committee consisting of the local scouting executive, local Imam or director of the Muslim center, will serve as the awards committee and would forward its approval to the Islamic council on Scouting of North America.
Help and information often comes through the National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting.
For neo-pagan and neo-heathen Scouts, or other nature oriented faiths, the Wiccan Covenant of the Goddess offers emblems, but there are no adult awards available at this time.
The American Sikh Council offers the Sewadar Award for adult leaders who can be nominated for this special honor for their services towards training youth in and out of Scouting.
The Unitarian Universalist Association offers youth religious emblems but does not offer an adult religious award specifically for Scouters at this time. There are a number of awards within the Association you may consider nominating a UUA Scouter for, such as promoting religious education, for volunteer service, or furthering the cause of Unitarian Universalism.
Unity Worldwide Ministries offers the Distinguished Youth Service Award as a national recognition developed by Unity Worldwide Ministries to acknowledge those adults who have given their time and energies to the church by serving the spiritual development of children and teens of Unity. Self and spouse nominations not accepted.
The Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York offers the Good Life emblem to Scouts but does not currently have an adult religious award available.
While there are religious emblems available to Scouts who do not affiliate with an organized religion – either through the American Humanist Association or by earning one of the religious emblems open to all Scouts – there is no adult religious award available for Scouters who have no religious affiliation. Their service can be recognized through any number of distinguished service awards available from BSA.